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Why do I now have to select "Legacy runtime 1.0" as compatibility tool for every single Steam game with a native Linux binary?
Why do I now have to select "Legacy runtime 1.0" as compatibility tool for every single Steam game with a native Linux binary?
...what does it even do?
@steffo selecting that disables scout
@ben isn't scout the earliest runtime? the one with ubuntu 12?
@steffo older Linux ports tend to require an older runtime container. Legacy Runtime is just the old 1.0 Scout container from years ago
@steffo yep, and valve enabled it across the board for every game for some reason
@sterophonick i see!
what's the new Steam Linux Runtime 1.0 (scout), then?
and where did (soldier) and (sniper) go?
@ben seems like they didn't enable anything, as games won't start if a runtime isn't explicitly selected...
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