La nuova BBS è in fase Alpha. I post precedenti al 22 luglio 2024 potrebbero non essere trasferibili, ma rimarranno disponibili per la lettura su /old/.
doesn't this game have fucking werewolves or vampires or something
doesn't this game have fucking werewolves or vampires or something
"I can suspend my disbelief that I'm in the 1800s gunning down some kind of zombie ghost but there are WOMEN here???"
there's apparently one transgender character in this game who I had not heard a single sentence spoken about in the 9 years since it was released
woke! woke! woke!
buddy it's a reality tv show what do you mean the characters are "artificially diverse" do you mean it's a reality tv show???
the characters in this COMPLETELY FICTIONAL, EXPLICITLY STAGED SETTING are too diverse to believe
death stranding is apparently "subtly anti-republican"
@ben subtly