When I was a teenage mormon girl, at church one Sunday, the teacher asked us girls what we wanted to change about ourselves.
When I was a teenage mormon girl, at church one Sunday, the teacher asked us girls what we wanted to change about ourselves. We went around the circle, each girl exposing her insecurities and how imperfect she was.
"I want to be more patient"
"I need to work harder at school"
"I need to be more obedient to my parents" etc
#exmo -
When it came to my turn, I said, "I don't want to change anything. I'm perfect the way I am."
[gasps] "Val!" [shocked and offended looks]
I had meant it sarcastically (*) but they all took it seriously and it was clearly unacceptable. Imagine, thinking you're good enough!(* semi sarcastically)
I mean, I never actually thought I was perfect. But I did think I was good enough. And I resented the group exercise in self-abasement. -
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