Un thread (in inglese) sulla condizione dei migranti che attraversano la Libia, di @ZekuZelalem
C'è anche il nostro timbro qua sopra, siamo anche noi responsabili di queste atrocità (e non solo Meloni).
Attenzione/CW: i racconti e le immagini sono scioccanti
Zecharias Zelalem (@ZekuZelalem@dair-community.social)
Attached: 1 image THREAD: This is Naima, an Ethiopian migrant. Intent on a better life, she travelled to Libya hoping to board one of those dangerous boats to cross the Mediterranean with. Instead, she was kidnapped by Libyan human traffickers, who have enslaved her. They sent this photo and disturbing footage of her being tortured to her family, demanding a ransom of $6,000 for her life. The images went viral last week. Libya is a hub of trafficker brutality, murder and extortion. Know more.
Distributed AI Research Community (dair-community.social)