Writing tip for #journalists:
Write the kinds of articles now that you'll wish you had written if you're in a concentration camp a year or two from now.
An Ottawa-based Ross who is inspired by people who have interests and pursue them.
Physics degreed, engineering careered. Enthusiastic about makerism, science, food, culture and art/design. Inordinately fond of breadmaking and chair design.
Trivialities, ephemera and daily activities.
#Ottawa #Canada #maker
Profile ALT text: Avatar is a white ceramic coffee mug like you might find in a diner. The banner is the famous Earthrise image where the Earth is just appearing over the moon.
Ultimi post creati da ottaross@mastodon.social
Writing tip for #journalists:
RE: A batch of #bread just into the oven.
Yay, bread done. Two big loaves and a little bread-pan loaf.
A batch of #bread just into the oven.
A batch of #bread just into the oven. Bodes well for breakfast. Plenty of time before bed to wrap up the bake.
Spent the morning trying to pull wire through unknown-to-me walls and ceilings.
Spent the morning trying to pull wire through unknown-to-me walls and ceilings.
No better way to get to know what's in there I guess. I mean other than my arm and a few spiders.
Alarm system stuff progressing today, a bit of networking done earlier.