Radio interview in half an hour, and I am so incredibly tired this morning.
Radio interview in half an hour, and I am so incredibly tired this morning. I sure hope this tea is magic so I can effectively teach people about space junk. (And then do it again later today for a different local radio show).
In case you were wondering, @hannorein and collaborators calculated a few years ago that there's a 22% chance the space-junk-Tesla will collide with Earth in the next 15 million years, and basically zero chance of hitting Mars. First close encounter with Earth is in about 100 years.
Mars sucks! (Or more truthfully, it really doesn't suck, gravitationally speaking.)
First interview done. Didn't get to talk about the 22% collision chance with Earth, but did talk about how you can see satellites and space junk with your eyes.
Active satellites look like stars that are moving across the sky, space junk will be flashing because it's tumbling. (Not coloured like from an airplane, just white flashes).
Anyway... maybe a few more people will be inspired to go out and look up and see how many damn satellites there are.
Next interview in 4 hours. I'm tired.
HAHAHAHA now I have a 3rd, in person interview about the space junk Tesla, after I pick up my kids from school for local TV. My life is hilarious.
It's extra hilarious having all these interviews at a very small school where I'm the only professor who regularly does ridiculous numbers of interviews. "Dear Dean, I have another interview on campus today. Hope that's ok!"
Oh oops just listened to my voice mail more carefully. This interview is for *national* TV. Hahaha oh man. I guess I should brush my hair or something.
Interview number 2 done! Focused on the newly discovered asteroid that NASA/ESA announced, and the fact that even if that 1% chance of impact with Earth turns out to be real, we have demonstrated technology to deflect it (yay DART Mission!) BUT, this relies on finding them early, which satellites and space junk make harder to do.
Now COFFEE, a couple of meetings, put on professor-y clothes, pick up kids, then interview number 3...
Did interview number 3 in my office on campus with my kids hanging out in the hallway. A student slipped their (late) homework under my office door WHILE I was being interviewed for national TV, by the very same reporter who first contacted me about about the Ituna SpaceX debris fall!
Pretty cool to be able to yell about space junk to a national audience, but holy crap I'm tired. And now I have to read to my kids and complete an overdue science proposal review aaauuuggghhh.